I was so thrilled to be contacted recently by Cynthia Smoot, an evening news anchor and reporter at our local Fox News station here in the Tampa Bay area. She’d caught some of my money-saving articles online, and tracked me down.
We chatted and decided that an interview featuring across-the-spectrum strategies for saving money would be appropriate. You can view the whole interview on the Fox News website. Here's a snippet from the interview:
Myscha Theriault on Fox Fired Up About Frugal LivingSo which articles inspired the tips chosen for this piece? In addition to a couple of newer posts, ideas came from several articles written during my earlier days on Wise Bread.
10 Budget Beauty Products You Can Make at Home
This piece features numerous ways to trim costs on toiletries and have you looking great for that job interview without growing broke. The everlasting hair spray tip is what made the cut for the news clip, but there are numerous other ideas in the original article to keep you feeling groomed and groovy.
Bulk Buying 101
While the news story covered ways to make bulk buying pay off even with a small family, check out the original post with tips on how to categorize, decide upon and store your bulk buying purchases.
10 Ways to Go Green and Save Money at the Same Time
Going green doesn’t have to mean going broke. We covered my kitchen and household uses for old athletic socks while the camera was on, but you’ll find more ideas to save money while helping the planet in the original piece.
Extreme Travel: How to Go Light and Low Budget
After carving out the cash to be able to afford the vacations we want to take, knowing how to travel light with luggage and wallet is key. Our travel conversation doesn’t show in the piece, but if you’re wondering how to stretch your travel bucks, check out the original post.
Bargain Shopping at Whole Foods
The article that inspired the actual interview, and one that will show you how to not just afford to walk in the door, but shop there regularly and still save money.
Organic Groceries on a Budget
Still trying to figure out how to keep organic foods frugal? You’ll see my DIY dry mix strategy covered in the news piece, and find even more ideas in the original article.
All in all? A fantastic experience with a couple of top-notch professionals. I hope you all enjoy the piece as much as I enjoyed participating in it. Keep saving, folks!
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