Friday, August 12, 2011

The Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup: Printing Photos Edition

I’ve been experimenting with photo printing at home (related to an upcoming post). I’ve lost quite a bit of money simply mis-printing photos and trying new things.

My conclusion? If you’re printing a wide variety of stuff, you’re probably better off using a service. A one-off photo is fine. A bunch of photos? Find a service.

Cheap Things You Never Use Are No Bargain Excellent article. I have a follow-up post that I want to write, but it needs to percolate for a little while. (@ get rich slowly)

11 Reasons to Ditch Your Television When I see statistics like “the average American watches five hours of television a day,” I shudder. Yes, I know that averages aren’t perfect statistics, but even if you have one person watching two hours and one person watching eight hours, that’s still every day. (@ man vs. debt)

A Simple Formula for Financial Independence This is an interesting way to look at your expenses. It puts those little expenses in the light of what they’re costing you in terms of financial independence. (@ frugal dad)

Why Marriage Makes It So Hard to Control Remodeling Costs. (Well, Kinda Sorta.) This really boils down to the whole “supersizing” effect. If we’re already buying something, why not throw in more cash and make it a bit “better”? (@ len penzo)

The Path Between Fear and Overconfidence While this article uses investing as the backbone, this is really true of any fear people want to overcome in life. (@ dividend monk)

View the original article here

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